Systematic Theology Working Group
Greetings in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.
There is no Baptist Systematic Theology work in print today, i.e. there is no Systematic Theology work that has the inerrant, infallible, verbally inspired word of God as its sole authority. Is there not a cause? Baptists, by definition, have it as their sole authority for all faith and practice and ought to garner a Systematic Theology.
You are solicited to join in a five year theological journey which will end with a “Systematic Theology for the Twenty First Century.” The only fare is that you review the work as it is being assembled monthly. All critiques will be welcomed and any born again believer is fully qualified to construct and certainly to critique such a work. A systematic theology is simply drawing a circle around the Holy Bible, and then rationally considering every principle, concept and thought that has been revealed to man by God. It shall be exhaustive, but in this venue, with your help, it need not be exhausting.
The reward for your participation will be a copy of the completed work. But that will barely compare with the benefit we each will gain in assembling such a work.
My Dissertation “God’s Glory, God’s Handiwork, and God’s Word, The Genesis Account” is also available for comment and review at this site. Other books and articles are in draft and available for review.
The Systematic Theology for the 21st Century is available in draft at:
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