Systematic Theology

Writing a Fundamental and Biblical Systematic Theology for the 21st Century REGISTER to comment at

Critique of Dr. Chafer


(1) Read Lewis S. Chafer’s volume 1 – 5  for … and “Christology” and also read carefully the corresponding sections in the two supplemental textbooks you have chosen for understanding, marking listings, Scriptures, and helpful information in each book which you might wish to quickly locate for completing the following requirements for this course.

  1. From each chapter of Chafer’s book and merging the corresponding material from your two supplemental books, prepare a detailed outline or discussion on each chapter with a full explanation of the terms involved. Show the page number and inclusive Scriptures for each point as appropriate. Always feel free to disagree with the authors, but be sure you verify from Scripture why you believe your position has more merit. Your chapter outlines will be graded as if they were to be used for training others. You should have a minimum of twenty-five pages of notes for this course.

  2. After completing the assignments of this course forward your course materials to LBTS.