Systematic Theology

Writing a Fundamental and Biblical Systematic Theology for the 21st Century REGISTER to comment at

The Age of Planets (Dissertation Excerpt)

The Bible and the Jewish Calendar says that the Earth and universe were created only 6,000 years ago. Consider the planets in our solar system. They likely began as molten cores of magma which cooled, crusted and solidified in to a fractured mantel over time. We live on just such a fractured mantel.

The Bible believer is comfortable when these evidences show the earth to be 6,000 years old, just like God said. The atheistic scientists must conceal and ignore massive amounts of local evidence to speculate into the millions of years. They might become bold face liars to pretend that our planet could have existed for billions of years, that is billion, with a “B”.

A cold, dead planet has no dynamo driven magnetic field left. Earth’s moon is cooled enough to be cold and dead, i.e. it is solidified to its core. So is the planet Mars. But the planet Earth is not yet solid to the core, neither is Venus. Venus, called Earth’s twin because it is approximately the same size, seems to have volcanic activity and thus still has some molten core. A planet’s cooling and turning into solid rock with no molten core left is a clock which tells us how long it has been cooling. The clock on Mars has stopped. It is solidified to the core. The clock on Earth is still ticking. The planet is still cooling and will be for a few more thousand years, or for science-so-called a few more million years, or for atheistic scientists holding to the Big Bang, a few more billion years. The atheistic scientist KNOWS that it took Mars 4.5 billion years to cool, because he KNOWS that is how old this solar system is. Bible believers KNOW that, barring any supernatural intervention, it took 6,000 years for Mars to cool naturally, because we KNOW that is how old the Universe is. One prognosis is wrong.

Consider that the amount of heat loss for a planet will be pretty standard. The time clock might be estimated by a model planet constructed from molten rock and hung in a vacuum until it cools and is solid to its core. The time that takes would be proportionally scaled to a planet the size of Mars and that would produce a ball park age of that planet. Scale that to the planet Earth and predict when this planet will be a cold dead planet. When we presume that planets have a similar composition and that they began their existence in a similar molten phase, we expect a correlated cooling rate. The shear magnitude of difference between 15 billion years of cooling and say, 10,000 years of cooling will carry the argument in this instance.

A planet’s cooling rate would be proportional to the ratio of its surface area, which radiates the heat, to its volume, which contains the heat. Thus:

SA/Vol = (4 p r2)/(4/3 p r3) = 3/ r

Where r is the radius of the planet.

Thus, the larger the planet the slower it would solidify. The cooling of a planet would not be a linear process because the more crusted mantel that the heat must radiate through the slower it would cool. But the process would be very similar for Mars, Earth, and our molten rock model hung in a vacuum. Also the density of each planet might differ slightly from our molten rock model so only a ball park figure will be obtained in this experiment. Barring the resources to suspend a 1 meter radius ball of molten rock in a vacuum until it solidified, consider the possible outcomes.

Take the following multiple choice test. Choose the most logical answer:

A molten rock ball of 1 meter radius has been formed to simulate the cooling of a planet. How long would you expect to wait until the molten rock is solid to the core?

A. 1,472 years B. Over14 months C. 26 hours D. 15.5 hours

If you answered A. 1,472 years you correspond very closely to what science-so-called wanted us to believe about the cooling of the planet Mars taking 5 billion years.

If you answered B.Over14 months, you correspond very closely to what was thought before the Hubble Telescope, when science-so-called wanted us to believe that the cooling of the planet Mars took 4 million years.

If you answered C. 26 hours, you are beginning to correspond to reality and are lining up with what the young earth enthusiasts think about the cooling of the planet Mars in under 10,000 years.

If you answered D. 15.5 hours, a very realistic number, you correspond to what the Bible believer would hold to when he believes what God revealed about dates and times and creation as recorded in the Holy Bible. The point here is that the planet cooling and its mantel solidifying over a period of 6,000 years of its existence is far more fitting than supposing a molten glob might take thousands of years to solidify.

Steven Hawking’s answer must be E. None of the Above. His model has the planet Mars cooling for 15 billion years, which would equate to the 2 meter diameter molten ball cooling for 4,416 years before it is solidified. Get real Steven.

With no molten rock ball suspended in a vacuum, a better comprehension of the planet cooling model can come from a molten ball of glass cooling and solidifying. I undertook a trip to the Corning Museum of Glass and spoke with several workers of molten glass. The most senior of them, one Len LaBarr had spent over 20 years melting and molding glass objects, 15 years was spent working in Steuben Glass. Mr. LaBarr simply scoffed at the idea that such a molten model, made of glass anyway, would take years or months to solidify. It would be solid to the core in hours at the most. Their glass objects must be cooled very gently in an annealing oven, if they were left in a room temperature environment they would fracture and be solidified in minuets. A 1 meter diameter ball of glass would likely be solidified and cooled within 24 hours.

The contrast between the atheistic scientist who thinks Mars cooled over 15 billion years, and the Bible believer, is likened to the one who thinks a 2 inch paper weight would take 37 years to set up, and the realist who thinks it would setup in a half hour. It is likened to the “scientist” who thinks a basket ball sized rock, 9 inches in diameter, might take 168 years to setup,vs the realist who expects it set and cooled in 3 hours. It is likened to the atheistic Big Bang believer thinking a 1 meter rock solidifying would take over 4 thousand years, vs the realistic scientist expecting it solidified within 24 hours. Mars did not cool and become a dead planet in over 15 billion years, nor did it take a million years. If physics and thermodynamics are true in our solar system, Mars and other dead planets have been cooling for less than 10,000 years, Earth will be a dead planet in the next 10 thousand years, and the largest planet, Jupiter will cool to its core in 123 thousand years. The atheistic scientist, holding to a 15 billion year old solar system, must expect Earth to keep cooling for all of 28 billion years, and Jupiter to cool for 309 billion years. The atheists expectations are off by several orders of magnitude. Our solar system cannot be more than thousands of years old.

The table with the data for this analysis is shown below. (or see

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