Systematic Theology

Writing a Fundamental and Biblical Systematic Theology for the 21st Century REGISTER to comment at

Msg #1529 What’s a BAPTIST?

What The Bible Says

Good Samaritan’s Penny Pulpit by Pastor Ed Rice

The perpetuity of the Church that Jesus built, his ecclesia, the local called-out and assembled body of believers, is an encouragement to true Baptists. For 1,985 years an unbroken line of Churches held common doctrines that made eight long term distinctives. They always believed in the authority of the inerrant, infallible, inspired Scriptures. The Bible was their sole authority for all faith and practice. They practiced autonomy of each local body, never acknowledging any denominational authority. Certainly knowing no pope, archbishop, or presbyters to edict their rules; always autonomous and independent. This continuous line of Churches had no priests; good Bible doctrine establishes the priesthood of all believers. They had only two ordinances, which were never called mysteries or sacraments. They practiced individual soul liberty and had only saved baptized members in their local assemblies. They recognized only two offices in their Church and had no boards to steer them. And, they knew the importance of keeping separate from rules of empires, magistrates, and governments. This long line of local autonomous Churches still exists today, and they will until Jesus comes. Then he meets them in the clouds before the great tribulation period when his wrath is poured out on this world. The Church that Jesus built, the true Church, has a branch near you. Flee the apostasy, flee the denominationalism and get into His true autonomous, independent, Bible believing Church. If you are in one, review these distinctives and its foundation. B is for Bible, A is for autonomous, P is for priesthood, T is for two ordinances, I is for individuals, S is for saved members, T is for two offices, and S is for separation. What does it spell? BAPTISTS. Oh, if you don’t have these distinctives, kindly take that acronym off your Church sign.

An Essay for week #29 Jul 19, 2015

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